I was born of dust, and to dust I will return. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transferred.
My dark brown, curly hair is an energy that was not created but only borrowed from the earth. My fingernails, bitten down and ugly as they are, are fingernails borrowed from the earth. My entire body -- an empty shell -- has a debt to pay back to nature. Physically, I am made up of organic matter that will bend down and let the mud cover itself again, to be renewed sometime in the unforeseen future.
This philosophy is disturbing to humankind. We don't want to be part of a merciless, impersonal machine that never ends but always grinds. Do you know why we believe nature to be cruel? Did you ever stop to consider that animals don't struggle against the cruelty of nature? They don't buy anti-aging creme, they don't gather up riches, they don't strive for fame. Animals don't have souls like humans do; they aren't disturbed by merciless nature.
We are disturbed because we know, deep in our hearts, that every one of us was meant for more than just being a husk blown away in the wind. We were meant for more than to worship something impersonal; indeed, our hearts were designed to worship One who embodies the thought of "personal". God is love. And He loves you. Know that you weren't created to be a faceless, nameless part of a machine. To Him, you are individual, precious, and beloved -- no matter what you might have done, or what you might look like. You are a unique piece of art and God has placed you over His mantle; the highest place of honor.
Nature is cruel in her beauty. Without Christ, we are no better than the husks that cover our souls. Without Christ, I am only a type of animal with dark brown curly hair and bitten-down fingernails. But WITH Christ, I am a human loved by the creator of everything.
It took an immortal being to stoop down and succumb to nature's cycle to be able to make me human.