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Just as the flower and its fragrance are one, so must each of you and your Father become.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I realized how drawn I am towards vertical compositions and forms. Anything tall and slender and stretching, I am immediately inspired. I've always loved tall trees, or tall things in general. I like seeing slender trees stretching branches as far as they will go upward. Mountains bursting through clouds and soaring higher and higher always make me want to first climb, and then paint them. In my figure drawing class, my favorite poses are ones with the back stretched as far as it can go up. There's something refreshing about a stretch in a form; whether it's a human figure or a tree pushing with the wind.
Perhaps I am so drawn to these forms because of their symbolic meaning. Stretching forth denotes a push of one's all. If I were to hold my arms up to the sky and stand on my tip-toes, I would be worshiping my Father in heaven. I would be praying something like "not my will but Yours be done". A stretch -- a movement entirely devoted to God. There's nothing in a vertical stretch that should denote anything half-hearted.
Maybe that's why I love vertical forms.


  1. Hi there :) I'm Monica,
    I read in your other post that you paint while worshiping, that i find incredible!
    Also I agree with the stretched vertical form.
    I dance in worship and I love when in worship I find myself stretched as far as my body will allow fingers stretched as if I was an inch away from touching His face.

  2. Monica,
    I love it when the Spirit moves me to stretch my hands to the ceiling while I worship - it's really something so powerful in such a small movement. Thank you so much for commenting, I truly appreciate you and your worshipful dancing. Keep stretching and worshipping, flower :)
